The first one was over-subscribed and a lot of people couldn’t make it. This is in part to us advertising that it was on. It took me ages to find this event on the CCG website, as it isn’t prominent, but that’s probably on purpose.
So, please, please, register and ATTEND this event and HAVE YOUR SAY on the future of our beloved Leek Moorlands Hospital. This is your LAST CHANCE before the consultation.
It beggars belief that as a nation we allow our great hospitals to under perform – maybe cause deaths – as they are over attended! Why – because we have no beds and services in our local community.
I visited Stoke hospital last week. It took an hour from
leek with traffic and an hour to park.
When one has to work – i am to choose between illness from not being to take 2 hours off work to attend or do I go and then loose my job!!
I also saw a nurse trying to park! I gave up my slot that had taken me 50 minutes to get!
I Am now 84 years old and have valued the care I and my family have received in so many ways by and at the MOORLANDS . I hope VERY MUCH that it will be spared to continue its MUCH appreciated work for the LEEK and MOORLANDS people.