A HUGE THANK-YOU to everyone involved with the #saveleekhospital fundraiser event last night. The prizes that we had donated from local businesses and people were superb and very generous – Thank you. Benks public house and its’ staff were excellent and most hospitable. Swog and his lad Shaun Beetham took control of the DJ set-up…
List of raffle prizes (up to yet)
We have had some amazing prizes donated to the cause to help pay for the promotional material (posters, car stickers, leaflets, banners) that we have been using to raise awareness of our beloved local Leek Moorlands Hospital. Here is the list of the prizes (at this moment!): ONE month of Cave Fitness – Alison Ratcliffe…
Raffle Tickets Outlets & Availability

We now have the raffle tickets available for our mini fund-raiser which is to be held at BENKS Public House on Stockwell Street on Saturday 22nd April. The draw will commence at 22:30 (10:30pm). We have some excellent prizes and more are being donated each day. Please join us for a night of great music…