Time to ‘HAVE YOUR SAY’….again

Yes, there is another consultation to be held at St Edwards School, Leek again. Remember when we packed the place out? So let’s do it again, follow this link and get your free tickets (Register now for Thursday January 24th):


Future of Local Health Services in Northern Staffordshire Consultation – Public Event

About this Event

North Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent CCGs have been working together with local clinicians, health partners, local authorities, voluntary organisations and the public to look at how local health and care services could be delivered differently to meet local needs against a backdrop of significant challenges. For the past 2 years, we have spoken to over 500 people in developing proposals to address our challenges and importantly improve the way we deliver community-based services.

We now want to know your views on our proposals before any decisions are made. Our consultation is about:

  • How we deliver community-based services differently in a more integrated way, closer to home
  • How we make better use of our community hospital rehabilitation beds and
  • How we ensure some of our consultant-led outpatients clinics work more efficiently and importantly, ensure our consultants have more time with patients and less time travelling.

You can read more in our consultation document available on our website: www.healthservicesnorthstaffs.nhs.uk

As part of the consultation we are holding 5 public events across Northern Staffordshire. These events will give you a chance to learn about the proposals, to give your views and to discuss them with other people as part of a table discussion.

To ensure that people gain the most value from the events, there are limited places and we encourage you to book early.

If you are unable to attend an event, please complete the online survey. Before you do, please read our consultation document. Your views are very important; they will help us to decide how to deliver services that may affect you, your family, your friends or people you care for.

Please note that the event will start at 7.00pm. Doors open from 6.30pm for attendees to sign in, and tea/coffee will be available on arrival. If you need any help booking or have specific needs, please contact us on consultation.northstaffsstoke@nhs.net or call 01782 298002.

Thank you.

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